Canada's One‑Stop‑Shop
for Gift Cards
To Reward & Incent Your Employees & Customers
Choose From Over 200 of Canada's Top Retailers


Giant Tiger


The Keg

Home Depot


Toys R Us

Golf Town


It's Never Been So Easy to Reward & Incent Your Employees & Customers with Gift Cards

Retain Top Employees & Incent Goal-Oriented Behaviours
Keeping your employees motivated, and incenting desired behavioural changes in your sales force, can help you boost productivity and employee loyalty.
Bonuses, merchandise, and travel can be appreciated, but to make an employee truly feel special, nothing beats a gift card.

Acquire New & Retain High Value Customers
By using gift cards as incentives, you can both acquire new customers and retain your existing high value customers.
Offer gift cards to potential customers to stimulate sales, or send thank you gift cards to your best customers to increase their loyalty.

A Penny Saved Is a Penny Earned
With a generous discount applied to every gift card purchased, your savings will quickly add up.
Discounts are broken down by retailer. Sign up now to see all available discounts per retailer.